A Fleeting Moment..

Newborn shoots are among my favourite to do. It's a real privilege to share in that moment when everything is brand new.  The overwhelming feelings and emotions between parent, baby and sibling.  It brings it all flooding back to when my babies were brand new too.  So I know how important it is to capture it.

I love to take my time and set up shots, making sure everything perfect so that mum and dad have some beautiful images to look back upon for years to come.  Memories to cherish. Sometimes, though, it is that split second moment that you have to capture before it is gone forever.  Like the unmistakable connection between sisters that presents itself.  That's where the skill of a photographer comes into its own.  This wonderful little shoot had many moments - but two in particular I think, really sum up the love for a newborn baby and the pride of an older sibling.

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