scottish baby photographer

Growing up - fast! From tummy to toddler 👶

One of the best things about being a photographer is seeing the small changes in such a short period of time - especially when it comes to children and how quickly they grow up! As parents, we sometime forget and may even take for granted that these little people don't stay little for very long.

Desiree first came to see me when she was 34 weeks pregnant after she booked me for a maternity shoot. 

A little over a month later, she returned with a beautiful bundle of joy, Georgia. Pretty in pink, she was a gorgeous little button and a dream to photograph.

A year passed by in a blink of an eye, and Georgia, along with her Mum and Dad and big brother, returned to the studio for her one year Birthday shoot.

If you want to capture those precious fleeting moments that can sometimes pass us by, get in touch -

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